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Symptoms of Poisoning in Pets: How to React Quickly

It can be a frightening experience if your pet ever ingests poison. Symptoms of poisoning in pets can range from mild to severe, so it’s important to be aware of what to look for and how to respond in this situation and is essential for taking quick action and getting them the help they need.

Common Signs to Watch Out For


When a pet has been poisoned, it can be difficult to diagnose the problem without knowing the exact substance and quantity that was ingested. Symptoms of poisoning can vary depending on the type of poison and can range from mild to life-threatening.

Warning signs of poisoning can include diarrhea, bloody stool, vomiting or lack of appetite. You may also observe convulsions, tremors, and behavioral changes like lethargy or hyperactivity. Apart from these, other signs of poisoning are bruising or bleeding. These can often be found in areas without hair, such as the gums, ear flaps and groins. Another sign of possible poisoning is finding odd material in their stools, such as green or corn-like substances that could be from rodenticide ingestion. Keep an eye out for any indicators like those listed above and seek veterinary medical attention immediately.

How to Respond to Pet Poisoning


Time is of the essence when responding to a potential poisoning situation. To ensure the best outlook for your pet, take these steps right away:

  • Remain calm and move your pet away from any hazardous substances.

  • Note down the details of the incident. The veterinarian will want to know what your pet has ingested. Details to include are the substance’s name, exact quantity and when they consumed it. Also make note of any symptoms they are exhibiting. Doing so will help us properly diagnose and treat your pet quickly.

  • It’s essential to have your regular veterinarian’s and our emergency practice’s contact stored in your phone. You can seek assistance from the pet poison hotline and inquire if you need to take your pet for an immediate checkup or induce vomiting at home.

  • If it’s safe to do so, gather any remaining toxic material or packaging. If your pet has vomited, bring a sample with you. This will help us identify and treat your pet properly.

  • Make sure to completely stick to a medical professional’s advice. Depending on the type of poison and the amount ingested, a medical professional can provide an accurate assessment of the situation.

  • Never attempt to self-medicate your pet because certain human medicines and treatments for other animals can be toxic.

  • Keep your furry friend far away from other pets to avoid contamination.

  • Don’t delay if you’re told to bring your pet to a veterinary facility. It’s important to act quickly when it comes to your pet’s health.

Does your pet show any of the alarming signs above? Knowing how to react quickly and appropriately can save your pet’s life in an emergency. Call Emergency Pet Hospital of Redlands at (909) 793-5999.